Sponsorships form the backbone of the eSports industry. Thus, it’s a good sign for the industry that the number of sponsorships increased significantly in 2021. According to the numbers presented by SafeBettingSites.com, the number of new sponsorships in eSports increased by more than 26% in 2021.
2254 new eSports sponsorships announced in 2021

According to the data made available by popular data firm Nielsen, 2254 new sponsorships were publicly announced in the eSports industry in 2021. This increase was a welcome change in the sector following a drop in sponsorships in 2020 due to the pandemic. In 2020, 1785 new sponsorships were announced – which came against the trend of the previous years. In the previous years, the number of sponsorships had steadily increased. However, the movement broke in 2020, primarily due to the pandemic.
As per the data, the eSports industry witnessed a massive increase in publicly-announced sponsorships in 2019. From 2016 to 2018, the number of new sponsorships grew by only 67.6%. However, the number of new sponsorships increased by 140% between 2018 and 2019. At this point, the pandemic put a halt to public tournaments in most parts of the world. The number of new announcements dropped by 4% in 2020. Compared to the number in 2019, the number of sponsorships in 2021 represents a healthy 21% increase.
The report further states the eSports fan base has massively grown in the last couple of years. According to the Nielsen survey, 50% of eSports fans globally have started following the industry in within last two years. Furthermore, the new fans are coming from all demographics. The numbers in 2021 represent a 19% increase in the female fan base and a 12% increase in the male fan base from the year before. Furthermore, there was an identical 14% increase in the 18-25 and 25-40 age groups. These are very positive signs for an industry that had been restricted to only certain age groups and gender.
Vyom Chaudhary, an editor at Safe Betting Sites Canada commented: “The eSports industry has recovered from the pandemic, and it is moving in the right direction. Sponsorships account for the majority of money in the industry, and thus, it’s a good sign that new sponsorships have significantly grown. Furthermore, it’s an excellent sign that 50% of current eSports fans have started following the industry in the last two years.